Archive for the Artie Lange Category

Artie Show in SF

Posted in Artie Lange on September 23, 2008 by cleanbox

Big weekend for CleanBox… On Friday we put on an Artie Lange show at the Masonic Auditorium in San Francisco. Over 3,000 rabid fans got to see Artie perform over an hour of his stand up (not to mention Killer’s regulars Levy, Yucko, and Shuli). No one was disappointed. Artie’s hilarious tales of his dysfunctional life, overbearing mother, and struggles with overindulgence had everyone in attendance begging for more.

At the end of the show, Artie brought Beetlejuice up onstage for a one on one interview. And just like with the Killer’s of Comedy, it raised the very real question: was Artie opening for Beetlejuice? The little man steals the show every single time. There is something about him that makes grown women squeal like they were little girls at a Jonas Bros concert.

After the show, Bob Levy, Shuli, Yucko, and Beetlejuice made an appearance at the merch booth to sign autographs. Beetle couldn’t sign his t-shirts fast enough they were in such wild demand. Bob Levy made sure to help Beetle collect the right amount of money—though neither of them is the world strongest mathematician.

We also filmed the whole show for our Howard TV series: The Killers of Comedy – On The Road. Howard TV subscribers will get to enjoy Northern California resident, Eric the Midget, put through some well deserved torture. After bragging on the air that Sequoia had personally given him tickets, Eric was disappointed to find out that his name wasn’t on the will call list. The cameras follow him as he is forced to seek out Sequoia to rectify the situation. Only it didn’t end there. Sequoia gave Eric fake tickets and he was turned away at the door. The whole situation lasted for half an hour before Eric was finally let in. Some of us almost felt bad for him. After all, he is in a wheelchair.

But, like Shuli says, Eric is just about the only person you can be glad is in a wheelchair. It suggests that there is some order and justice in the universe.

More details on the crazy weekend to come…